Fantastic New Titles In Adobe Premiere Pro CC v.2017.1

Finally Adobe Releases an Overhaul of the Premiere Titles

My first look at the new titles / graphics feature in Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017.1 from April 2017. A massive overhaul of the way titles work in Premiere, this is a welcome change. Premiere Pro has long been clumsy as far as text is concerned. It worked just fine and you've always been able to do a lot with it but it just wasn't very intuitive to use.

Pretty much everything about this change is easier, faster, more intuitive and just makes more sense. It integrates so much better into your working with the addition of a Type Tool!! Yes, you heard me right. A Type Tool which means you can just hit the 'T' button and then click anywhere in you video preview and begin typing. A 'graphic' is automatically created for you in your timeline which itself can then contain multiple layers of text. These layers also exist in the Effects Controls which allows you to control motion etc. using keyframes in the normal way.

Hopefully this has teased you enough to want to take a look at the video and see how they work in Premiere and in practice and hear my thoughts after just 24 hours of using them.I'm a bit of a font geek. I love clean text and titles and a good font is a thing of beauty. As such, I use titles all the time in Premiere. This change took me by surprise but only took me about an hour of use to get used to.

More Information on New Titles on Adobe

More information on the new titles feature and the latest Premiere CC graphics features can be found here. You can also find out about all the Adobe CC products from this page.

Backwards Compatibility of New Titles

For those of you wondering, the old titles window can still be accessed. If you have a project on the go with old style titles already in it, these will work just fine and can be edited in the normal way. They have ditched the 'Titles' menu though so you may get thrown initially with the change. Just double click on your title in the timeline to open the old editor.

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