Sony ICD-TX650 - Dictaphone for Videographers
Review and audio tests of the ultra-slim and discreet Sony ICD-TX650 dictaphone. A perfect match for both dictaphone users but also videographers.
Shallow Depth Of Field - Sony PXW-Z90
Despite the Sony marketing, is is really impossible to achieve a shallow depth of field on the 1 inch small sensor PXW-Z90 sensor?
Music for YouTube - Artlist Review and Walkthrough
The good and bad points of the Artlist royalty free music site. An unbiased review from a paying subscriber including pros and cons of the service and a music demo.
7 Beginner Editing Tips in Premiere Pro
7 simple editing tips in Adobe Premiere Pro that you might not use today but probably should. They're super basic but incredibly useful. Worth watching for beginners or pros.