6 Ways to Improve Skype Performance
Here are 6 ways to ensure that you get the best out of Skype and make sure that your calls are as clear and crisp as they can be.
Limiting the number of tags in a tag cloud
Just a very quick post as I was looking at how to limit the number of tags displayed in the default Wordpress tag cloud widget. It can get very full, very quickly which impacts the layout of a page.
Remove a white background in Photoshop
It's not uncommon to need to remove the white background from an image and make it transparent. This can be necessary to make it more presentable on a webpage or presentation. There are a number of ways of doing this within Photoshop but this tutorial shows a great alternative to e.g. using the selection tool or magic wand to roughly remove the white and simply rub it out. It creates superb results and I guarantee that you will use this method in future if you haven't already.
Removing "Howdy" from Wordpress
Here we look at two methods of removing the annoying Howdy message from the Wordpress administration panel without the use of yet another plugin.